• From Chabahil Chowk at the north-east part of the Ring Road, turn off east towards Bouddha.
  • About 1 km east after passing the stupa entrance, you come to Jorpati Chowk, where the road straight on starts to go downhill.
  • From here take the left turn (fork) on to the Sundarijal road.
    • Note that from Jorpati Chowk you can also continue downhill and take a left turn immediately before the bridge and then head north with the Bagmati River on your right and then turn right at the end to join the Sundarijal road.
  • About 2.5 km from Jorpati Chowk (and after passing a pine forest on your left) the main road descends to Gokarna Temple, which is down on your right.
  • Keep on the main road past the temple and as the downhill ends the road bends around to the right. Do not take the dirt road that goes straight on but go around to the right and then take the immiediate left turn between shops.
  • Continue on this road for about 1.5 km northwards through periurban development.
  • Eventually the road bends round to the right and goes uphill. At the top of this hill, where the main road goes sharply to the left take a right turn and ascend a small dirt road.
  • Follow this for a few metres and go up right onto a wide flat area by the ward office. Should be marked with paper.

GPS: 27.751893,85.390985

w3w: allows.mile.eyelashes
