HHHH Trash for Mixed Hash Run 2036 (6th May 2017)

Location Rappers Rathole
Hares Darling
Hashers ~42
HashitNice Hash, Thunder Thighs, and Skid Mark
Trash DoggyStyle
Trashflash Absent
Remarkables virgins: returnees:... visitors: ... Leavers: The Circle

A Very Approximate Report of What Happened

The promise of chicken wings was enough to almost double the number of Hashers who showed up at Rapper’s Rathole in Bhaisipati for Hash #2036. And the lone Hare, Darling treated the runners to a craftily laid trail that got the FRBs scampering around at each check. The runners were sent straight down towards the Sano Khokana valley, before climbing back to Khokana and crossing the old town through its narrow alleys. The runners scattered all over the fields, and arrived at the first holding at Karya Binayak temple from all directions. The trail dropped once again and traversed another field and came out on the Bungamati ridge, where once again many FRBs bit the false trails before finding the trail down towards the Bagmati River where they were greeted by another check at the bridge. After crossing the bridge and not finding any paper, they figured it must be a back check. It turned out to be a very long back-check requiring runners to backtrack almost 200 meters before heading up towards the Khokana ridge via steep trail. It took so long for runners to find the paper that Kwik Kwok had enough time to drive a hard bargain with the farmer who was carrying carrots that were just washed in holy Bagmati, then convincing Morning Glory to carry most of them for her. Trouble was not too pleased with the extra load on MG, and he showed his disapproval by pinching MG’s bottom, for which the GM later gave him a well-deserved down-down.

The runners all gathered for the second holding at the other side of Khokana ridge, and the trail meandered through the beautiful Khokana valley before the steep climb back to Rapper’s Rathole. The walkers took much longer to get back, but the runners, as always, were nice enough to wait before opening the bbq chicken. All in all a 9.5 km, an hour and half easy run.

Darling was awarded an even 10 for the run – 9.9 for the trail and 0.1 for the chicken. A couple returnees finally got Hash names. Jocelyn was named Fistress and Damien the Frenchman was named Premature. Amanda and In-Your-Pants got a down-down for matching shoes, while F*** Norris had to drink out of his new Dhaka shoes. Techneilogy got multiple consecutive down-down for many things including taking too long to drink the down-down. The HashShit was awarded jointly to Nice Hash, Thunder Thighs, and Skid Mark for having a private party during the circle. American Carnage volunteered himself and Million Dollar Visa for the next week and was punished accordingly.

Trouble got a doggy down-down for taking over the pads of rescued dogs. And the animal friendly H4 family was thrilled to see Lucky the pup that was rescued from sure death during Hash 2025 and adopted by Jack. On-On!

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